ssl https setup


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mike     a year ago


i am the new in saltcorn ;-)

i have install and setup saltcorn 

Saltcorn Version    0.8.4
Node.js Version    v14.21.1
Datenbanktyp    PostgreSQL


but is opensuse 15.4  (i work over 20 years only suse)

it run and i have 3 /tenant/create

it runs on the delault port 3000 ,  all good.

i work on acivate ssl. i have create a cert 

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 3650

and copy the content in the Fields at SSL selfsingn (cert and key). it schow activate.  Restart the server but nothing.

port 3000 always uncrypted  and no other port open.  can i see anny log for errors?






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mike      a year ago


the problem is the default port from saltcorn for ssl is the real 443 port and the user saltcorn have no access for port lower 1024.

run the deamon as root port 443 is open.

the first job is done, now 2 new Problems ;-)   the access non-root user to access port 443/80  and the Module PageToPDF dont work with self singn Cert.


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