does the Search component work?


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bpgraves     a year ago

Does anyone know how to configure a Search component to a table or, preferably, a view?  The only configuration I can see is "Has dropdrop" and "Show current state badges".  I added a Search component on a page containing a Feed view (configured with a table).  When I run the page and type something in this component, it brings me immediately back to my account page and shows a "Search not configured" message at the top of the page.

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      a year ago

Hi Brian,

There are two different ways of using the search component. If you use it on a page, it becomes a global search and you have to configure search views(search settings under site structure). However if you use it in a filter view you get table specific search. This is probably what you want.


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      a year ago


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      a year ago

Thanks, Tom!  That worked perfectly!  :-)


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