Softcorn Serve Error


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No row selected
jarea     6 months ago

I have just installed Softcorn stack with the following versions

Softcorn 0.9.4

Node.js 14.15.0

Postgres 14.10

Mac OSX 13.4

When I run 'softcorn serve' from bash I get the message: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '??='

Any help to get around this would be greatly appreciated.

No row selected
No row selected
jarea      6 months ago

No row selected
No row selected
jarea      6 months ago

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No row selected
      5 months ago


No row selected
No row selected
      5 months ago
Hey you
Get offa
My cloud


No row selected
No row selected
      5 months ago

you need to be on Node 16+ - 14 is no longer supported

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